Labradori magazine

As a member of the Labrador Retriever Club of Finland, you will receive the Club’s quarterly magazine ”Labradori”.

The magazine contains show and trial results, trial calendar, kennel news, and a lot of current information from Finland and abroad. 

All contributions to the magazine can be sent to: labradorilehti(at)

Advertising fees

Page size Member's fee Non member's fee
1/1 ( 272x186 mm) 200 € 400 €
1/2 (134x186 mm) 100 € 200 €
1/4 (134x91 mm) 50 € 100 €


Breeders' advertisements

Commercial Advertisements and advertisements in colour to be agreed upon separately.




Labradori 4/13 Cover
Labradori 3/13 Cover
Labradori 2/13 Cover
Labradori 1/13 Cover