Club Show 2009
Club Show 2009
16.8.2009 Helsinki, Rastilan Kartano
Tuomarit / Judges:
Urokset ja kaikki veteraanit / for dogs and all veterans: Didier Schaer (kennel Helvet-Can), Spain
Nartut / for bitches: Nuno Ribeiro (kennel Sol D'Arena), Portugal
BIS-2: Follies Cossack (left) and BIS-1: Mallorn's Vanilla Ice (right)

BIS-YEARLING and BIS-2: Follies Cossack

BIS-VETERAN: Follies Storm Petrel

Puppy 1: 5-7 months (8 entries) | Puppy 1: 5-7 months (15 entries, abs. 1) |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. | 1. BIS-PUPPY Follies Madison (Lubberline Martingale - Tweedledum Folies Bergerer) 2. 3. 4. 5. |

Puppy 2: 7-9 months (1 entry) | Puppy 2: 7-9 months (1 entry) |
1. | 1. |

Puppy 3: 9-12 months (5 entries) | Puppy 3: 9-12 months (4 entries) |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. | 1. 2. 3. 4. |

Junior 12-18 months (8 entries, abs. 2) | Junior 12-18 months (12 entries, abs. 2) |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. |

Yearling: 18-24 months (2 entries, abs. 1) | Yearling: 18-24 months (4 entries) |
1. BEST YEARLING, BEST DOG, BIS-2 | 1. 2. 3. 4. |

Novice: over 24 months (3 entries, abs. 1) | Novice: over 24 months (7 entries, abs. 1) |
1. 2. | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. |

Open Class: for everyone except champions (7 entries) | Open Class: for everyone except champions (6 entries, abs. 1) |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. | 1. BEST BITCH, BIS-1 2. 3. 4. 5. |

Champion (5 entries) | Champion (4 entries, abs. 1) |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. | 1. 2. 3. |

Field Trial: For those who has been awarded in FT (3 entries) | Field Trial: For those who has been awarded in FT (2 entries) |
1. BIS-FIELD TRIAL -DOG 2. 3. | 1. 2. |

Veteran: 7-10 years old (1 entry) | Veteran: 7-10 years old (3 entries, abs. 1) |
1. Sidewild By The Way (Dickendall Davaron No Exit - Tweedledum Get A Life) | 1. 2. |

Special Veteran: +10 years old (3 entries, abs. 1) | Special Veteran: +10 years old (3 entries, abs. 1) |
1. BIS-VETERAN 2. | 1. 2. |

Paras pari / Best brace
Junior Handler (tuomari: Marja-Leena Fallenius, kennel Lucky My)
1. Wilhelmiina Pironetti